September 26, 2024

Frames, Deadlines, and Boundaries: A Recipe for Client Management

Think of working with clients like hosting a dinner party. You’ve got everything ready - menu planned, table set - but without some ground rules (like no changing the seating or moving the food around), things could easily get out of hand. That’s where boundaries help. With clear deadlines, open communication, and a bit of patience, you can manage projects smoothly and avoid unnecessary stress.

Know Your Clients: The Dreamers, the Detail-Oriented, and the... Delayed

First things first, you need to recognize what kind of client you're dealing with. Are they the dreamy visionary startup who hands over creative freedom but can’t decide on a font to save their life? Or are they the corporate giant who requires you to detail every frame down to the pixel? And don’t forget the true wildcards: delay gods. They’ll ghost you for weeks and then suddenly want everything done yesterday. Knowing the type of client from the get-go will help you determine how to approach setting boundaries and timelines. Trust me, one-size-fits-all just doesn’t work here.

Sketch Your Limits Early: Like, Before the Chaos Begins

If there’s one thing clients love, it’s revisions - lots and lots of revisions. But to avoid getting caught in a never-ending revision loop, you need to set limits upfront. Define boundaries clearly before the project even begins. This includes setting a firm limit on the number of revisions and establishing clear turnaround times. Being too generous with revisions can drain your energy and stretch your timeline unnecessarily.

Establish Clear Communication Channels: Pick the Right Time and Tools

When working with global clients, timing is everything. Set clear expectations about how and when they can reach you - whether it’s email, project management software, or scheduled calls. Keep communication simple, professional, and aligned with both your schedules. Emails sometimes disappear into the void, so having a backup plan, like using a project management tool, ensures nothing gets lost. Avoid the dreaded “I didn’t get that email” excuse when deadlines are looming!

Upholding Professionalism: Stay Calm and Confident

No matter how strange or unexpected a client’s request might be, professionalism is key to keeping things on track. Sometimes, clients may not fully understand what’s best for the project and may give feedback that feels off. This is where you need to own your expertise. As the professional, it’s your responsibility to guide the client in the right direction, explaining why your approach works best. It’s like being the chef in the kitchen - you know the ingredients and the process. Gently pushing back and explaining the reasoning behind your creative decisions helps the client see the bigger picture and strengthens trust in your expertise.

Clear Boundaries, Happy Clients, and Stress-Free Projects

Don’t be afraid to say “no” when it’s needed. Boundaries aren’t about shutting things down - they’re about making sure the project turns out perfectly. Clients will appreciate your professionalism, and you’ll protect your creative process in the long run. By balancing frames, deadlines, and boundaries, you’re not only delivering quality work but keeping the experience enjoyable for everyone involved. Managing clients is about timing, communication, and setting limits when needed. So go ahead, set those boundaries, and serve up success!