July 5, 2024

Retails industy case to practice

Last week, the young talents at BON tackled their first case: researching the carpet market for The Gallery Exclusive. This was a totally new mission for them!

Miranda Pham had an epic session sharing insights on market research thinking and introduced the 3C model (Company - Customer - Category). However, the young talents also put in a lot of self-study time to dive deep into this case.To wrap up this challenging case, the young talents gathered to discuss their findings from the past week. The star of this case study was carpets - something that seems so familiar but is full of interesting details when you dig deeper. For instance, carpets are used everywhere from hotels and homes to offices, with countless varieties differing in materials, colors, and sizes. Even with a framework to guide them, each case has its unique features to pay attention to.The UK interns also shared that this was their first time using Canva to make slides. It’s been a week full of experiences and learning!