"In animation, time is our precious resource - tight deadlines are part of the job."
Balancing quality with speed is something we all face, especially as client expectations grow. Here’s how we keep our process efficient, relaxed, and always on point.
Want to save time? Get clear on the goal from the start. Who's our audience? A medical animation for students will be totally different from one for experienced doctors. We also need to ask about data: What do we need to make this animation work? Storyboards, scripts, references - everything should be in place before we start production. Defining goals early saves us from headaches later.
Unclear or delayed feedback slows us down. Establishing a structured feedback loop can reduce misunderstandings and keep everyone on the same page. Clear timelines, designated communication platforms, and knowing who is responsible for what makes communication efficient rather than frustrating.
Reusing assets is a lifesaver. By saving commonly used backgrounds and elements in an organized asset library, we have what we need at our fingertips. The key to making our asset library work is keeping it organized. We group similar elements together, label everything clearly, and make sure it’s accessible to the whole team. A messy library won’t save us time, but a well-maintained one can dramatically speed up production.